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Board Meeting News, Part 2Link to this category
After much consideration, our Board of Directors voted to make the pool area Non-Smoking beginning today, February 10, 2021.  This includes the entire area within the fencing for the pool. 

In other news, The flooring throughout the mailroom, office and library will be replaced with commercial grade vinyl in the upcoming weeks.  We thank the Board of Directors for their efforts updating our building.  

Board Meeting NewsLink to this category
The Board of Directors approved the moving of 2 tables with chairs and umbrellas into the pool area.  These tables will allow folks to have food and drink at them.  The tables and chairs will be outside the 4' pool wet deck perimeter which fall under the Florida statute rules.

In other news, the Board of Directors approved purchase of 2 commercial washers and dryers for our laundry room as the contract has been canceled by our current provider.  Current equipment will be removed approx. Feb 27th.  New Washer and Dryers will be installed as soon as available.