Cardboard Dumpster
Date:  12/6/2024

YOUR ASSISTANCE PLEASE!  When tossing cardboard boxes into our cardboard dumpster, PLEASE BREAK DOWN THE BOXES.  We know it takes a little more time and effort but it is worth it to help save us all money from extra dumpster pickups.  Each time the cardboard dumpster has to be picked up and dumped, it costs us (Limetree Park) a dumping fee of $275.  If we will all breakdown our boxes, then we can save space for additional cardboard.  Please pass the word. If you have guests or renters in your unit, inform them also.   If you see someone dumping cardboard without breaking down the box, please NICELY ask them to do so.  If we all work together, we can save a few bucks annually on our dumpster pick ups.  THANK YOU

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